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15/09/2013 - National Anti Bullying Roadshow


The 2013 Anti-Bullying Roadshow is touring the UK and abroad from the 4th - 29th November 2013.


The Roadshow compliments the themes for Anti-Bullying Week and Anti Bullying Month.


This is the best and most amazing roadshow we have ever created. You will be amazed, you will be entertained and you will want more. The Roadshow is powerful, fun and exciting. Includes, music, science, strategies and the most up-to-date research and information on bullying possible. The bully behind bullying in one amazing extravaganza.


The Roadshow lasts for 60-minutes and can be performed to a whole year group at a time.


The Roasdshow can be complimented by additional creative interactive workshops - please ask for details.




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