
5- “Othering” the out-of-school environment : how school practitioners cop out of professional reassessments

 - Stéphane Zéphir, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Unité de recherche « Migrations Sociétés » (UMR CNRS 8245 – UMR IRD 205)

This article examines the discursive mechanisms by which the professionals in a Priority Education Network (REP) attach a negative “otherness” to users and discredit the out-of-school environment. The circulation of judgemental categories among the different educational sites reinforces these mechanisms and reveals how practitioners consider users to be unteachable. These discursive processes exempt practitioners from professional routines and foster the creation of a physical and cognitive territory that is conducive to ethnoracial discrimination, at the expense of any subjective recognition of the users. Such discrediting mechanisms are liable to contribute to certain socio-scholastic tensions that are observed in priority education.

Keywords : Education prioritaire - collège - école - environnement disqualifié - altérisation - catégorisation professionnelle - routines professionnelles discrimination à caractère ethnoracial, priority education, secondary school, school, discredited environment, otherness, professional categorization, professional routines, ethnoracial discrimination.


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